Friday, October 13, 2017

This is the End... I'm Done

It's fall... we all know what that means, right?  I will give you one guess as to what this post is going to be about.

Yep... the most Basic Bitch fall problem off them all.  The dreaded PUMPKIN SPICE EVERYTHING rage that seems to be taking the world by storm more and more each and every year.

When I was little (read: back before there were things like cell phones and Internet), fall was a time for the leaves to fall off trees and for you to plan what you were going to be for Halloween.  That's it.  There weren't FALL decorations for your house... there wasn't an abundance of fancy drinks and snacks that were made to taste like you think pumpkin should taste (let's be real here... there is no way on God's green earth that pumpkin tastes like any of these things... NO WAY).  Slowly but surely (I blame Pinterest), pumpkin spice has started to take over the world.  If you don't start the month of October (read: August) with a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks gracing your Instagram page, are you even real?  Do you even exist?  I seriously doubt it.

I have learned to live with seeing everything in the grocery store come in it's normal flavour and then have it's added special pumpkin spice flavour for the fall.  I may have even tried the odd item to see if it's any good... some are decent, most are not.  But today... today I saw something that upped the pumpkin spice game and made me start to question the sanity of all the people of the world.  In fact, it made me feel like the end was near.  I saw....


No... just no!  I can't... I'm done.  This is the end of the modern society... we have finally reached the tipping point.  This is it... We are over.


I was shocked to see the DECEMBER beverage (this DID exist before Pinterest and I have indulged since I was a wee-un) in the grocery store at the beginning of October.  Innocently, I took one out of the case to take a picture for Instagram, because I too can be basic, only to discover that it was PUMPKIN SPICE.

That's it... there is no more.  I can't say anymore than I have on this matter because I am literally speechless that this has happened.  Will I try it... no (mainly because I don't want to be the person who has to buy it) so for now, I will continue to gripe about the unnecessary overpopulation of ALL THINGS PUMPKIN SPICE.

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